Collection: Formal Series 1" Narrow Dense Weave Satin Finished Holdup Clip-On Suspenders
Narrow 1" wide Formal Series Holdups now come in 9 solid colors with a special SATIN like finish and your choice of Y or X-back style crosspatch
These single Clip formal suspenders feature fabrics with narrower 1" wide elastic straps with black leather clip tabs and logo crosspatch. Add quality made Holdup Formal Series suspenders to your wardrobe. The distinguished look and color choices accompany business suits or formal tuxedos. Holdup Suspenders are made to last a lifetime of legal or business occasions ..where you have to make a lasting impression. -each pair of these traditional finger clip braces is sold in this new Holdup Suspender Company Web Shop.

Many models of Corporate Series Holdups are discounted 50% while supply lasts.
At checkout, you may pay using your Amazon or PayPal account using your preferred credit/Debit Card with the Free Freight option. Holdup's -FORMAL Single Clip Suspenders in 1" narrower width all have these common features:
Unique satin sheen polyester elastic strapping specifically chosen for durability and lasting stretch. All come with top grade BLACK leather tabs that vary in size, and taper, front to back, for comfort and convenience.
This Holdup Series features our USA-patented "No Slip Suspender Clip." No matter how much you spend, the net result will never equal the comfort and convenience of a pair of Holdup clip-on formal series suspenders!
The FORMAL SERIES suspenders have a black leather crosspatch embossed with our Holdup Logo in a choice of Y or X-back styles when ordering the colors choices below